Against cancer, knowing to prevent

The awareness and health education campaign on cancer prevention has started in CNR
Against cancer, knowing to prevent -

December 12th, 2019

"Against cancer, knowing to prevent" is the awareness and health education campaign on cancer prevention that the CNR prevention and protection unit addresses to the staff of the Rome and Bologna offices, in collaboration with

Here the video of the start day

The aim of the campaign is to promote prevention strategies in the field of cancer, both through the adoption of good behaviors and through appropriate preventive controls aimed at early diagnosis: colorectal, cervical and breast cancer.

The campaign also aims to emphasize the correct lifestyles that strengthen the body's natural defenses and significantly reduce the risk of cancer onset, deepening the role of some modifiable factors of cardio-oncological risk. In this regard, a particular focus is reserved for smoking, alcohol and excessive weight.

In addition to participation through the dedicated online platform of, an event was organized at the CNR headquarters, which through questionnaires in the form of billboards to be filled in interactively, allowed participants to investigate the quality and completeness of the information they know about cancer prevention and analyze their behavior with respect to the screening programs implemented by the national health system.

The initiative aims, among other things, to solicit adherence to the screening and prevention plans implemented by the structures of the national and regional health system.