Value your health - Prevention and new welfare

Presented the results of the study on the benefits of prevention for Coopersalute
Value your health - Prevention and new welfare -

June 28th, 2022

Health, Welfare and Work are the topics addressed today in the conference “Give value to your health. Prevention and new welfare ", promoted by Coopersalute and held in the Zuccari room at the Senate of the Republic
The study that KnowAndBe.Live has carried out on the cancer risk of the population of Coopersalute patients and the expected benefits of the health education project that will see us as protagonists in the next two years was presented.
Among the interventions, the words of Senator Annamaria Parente - president of the 12th Senate Health Commission - on health welfare and prevention were fundamental: "This comparison was useful for us to better understand how contractual health funds can make a significant contribution to our health service national. When an employment contract is renewed, there is not only the economic issue but also that of welfare. The contractual health funds constitute a fundamental support for prevention in Health, which is a great social issue. "